Clean Those Ugly Rust Stains on the Driveway

Construction worker smoothing fresh concrete on a new residential driveway, with unfinished garage bays visible in the background

Your beautiful new cement driveway – what an investment, and what a welcoming element to the front of your home. Too bad it has rust stains from the clunker car your son is driving…or that old planter or rusty water or the old trailer that was parked there for just a few days. Rust-removal chemicals […]

Take a Close Look at Your Chimney

Brick chimney rising against clear blue sky, with asphalt shingles and gabled roofline of a residential home below

Brick and stone chimneys are certainly attractive and add value to your home, but they aren’t maintenance-free. You need to visually check your chimney and also have a professional check it from time to time. Water, weather, and freezing conditions eventually take a toll, even on stone and brick. From the ground, you can do […]

Gather Free Water with a Rain Barrel

Rainwater collecting in a black tub amidst garden greenery.

Yes, you can be green, save money on your utility bills, and still water your plants and garden. Consider a rain barrel to catch water from the roof for use around your yard. This also helps solve problems with excessive water runoff that overloads rivers and streams. Start by doing a little online research. Your […]

Why Should You Seal Exterior Concrete?

Sealing the driveway crack with a paint roller.

In most climates, you don’t ever need to seal exterior concrete drives and walks. But there are advantages to using a good sealer, and in the long run, you can save money and keep the concrete looking like new. In northern climates, snow-melting chemicals and freeze-and-thaw cycles can damage the concrete. Salt penetrates the surface […]

Tricks for Replacing a Broken Light Bulb

Switching from traditional to energy-efficient LED bulbs - a bright change for a greener home

Light bulbs in exterior fixtures and damp locations like bathrooms are notorious for sticking in the socket. Turning the dead bulb to replace it, you hear the crunch of breaking glass – yuck! A new and messy fix-it job. To prevent a bulb from sticking in the first place, lubricate its round metal threads with […]

No Heat? Try This Before Calling for Service

"Money vs. Comfort: Thermostat set to 70° with $100 bills, illustrating the cost-benefit balance of home temperature control"

As autumn settles in, there’s no heat in your house, and it’s getting cold. The furnace worked fine in the spring. Why is it stubborn now when you need it? You don’t want to spend money on a service call if you don’t have to, so check these things first. All heating appliances have an […]

What’s Your Home’s Largest Energy-Waster?

Folding attic ladder extending from a ceiling hatch, combining sleek black metal hardware with natural wooden steps

We all work hard at tightening up our homes to save energy and money. In fact, most energy improvements are good for the environment and also make our homes more comfortable. One of the biggest energy-wasters is the trap door to the attic. In many cases there is no weatherstripping or insulation around it. Warm […]

When Your Kitchen Faucet Slows Down

A thin stream of water drips from a curved chrome faucet, capturing the quiet essence of everyday waste.

Your plumbing system works fine everywhere in the house – except at the kitchen sink, where the volume and force of water are petering out. What’s going on? There may be a quick fix. The spout often contains an aerator that introduces air into the water, so the flow seems stronger, even though the flow […]

Use the Right Plug…or Else

Hand holding a black electrical power plug against white background

Electrical plugs and outlets are designed to keep you safe from electrical shock and to protect the device you’re using. Take advantage of this by making sure you match the plug with the correct electrical outlet. Once upon a time, you could insert a two-prong plug the wrong way into a wall outlet, resulting in […]

Pop-Up Stopper Sticks

Finger pressing a chrome sink drain plug against white porcelain

Most bathroom sinks have a “pop-up” sink stopper that opens and closes when you operate a small knob or lever built into the faucet. Push it down, and the stopper pops up to drain the sink; lift it , and the stopper closes. Most of these mechanisms need adjustments from time to time, and many […]