A Drip at the Darned Valve – Again

Old metal outdoor tap with bright yellow garden hose connector mounted on brick wall

Let’s say that every time you turn the small globe valve for the outdoor hose bib, you get that drip-drip-drip from the body of the valve. Or maybe your drip occurs at the small needle valve for the icemaker or the humidifier – turn the valve and the darned thing leaks. Maybe you wire a […]

Is It Plumb, Level, or Square?

A carpenter carefully levels a surface with a spirit level in a bright workshop.

Is it Plumb, Level, or Square? We like to check to see if things are on the level – or should we say “plumb”? Is a wall plumb or level? Is the floor level? Is the door frame plumb or square? Confusing, isn’t it? Here’s a quick guide to those terms. What Does It Mean […]

Why Is the Toilet Flushing Itself?

A clean toilet bowl with water swirling as it flushes, next to a toilet brush holder.

OK, so you just heard the toilet flush in the middle of the night. No one else is in the house, and you don’t think your home has a ghost. Later that night, you hear it again. Ughhh. How will you explain this to the plumber? Don’t worry. What you’re probably hearing is the toilet […]

Protect Your Family from Scalding Hot Water

A hand reaching towards a stream of water flowing from a modern black faucet.

At one time or another, we all have turned on a hot water faucet and been caught unaware by steaming hot water. You may have been lucky to pull your hand out of the flow just in time to prevent a burn. This situation creates a real danger for small children who can’t react in […]

Repair A Whistling Shower Head

Refreshing shower in a modern bathroom.

Singing in the shower takes on a new dimension when you’re accompanied by a whistling shower head. No matter how you vary the pitch and stay in tune, the screech from the shower head just won’t play. A poor melody is one thing, but water sprays and streaks to one side or the other are […]

Back flow Prevention at Your Hose Bib

A dripping faucet attached to a brick wall, highlighting water conservation concerns.

Health officials believe that thousands of people become ill because of contaminated water every year. Most folks think it is the stomach flu or food poisoning when contaminated water is the real culprit.Around your home, you must always separate drinking or potable water from any source of contamination. How could contamination happen? Check out your […]

Inside Info on an Outdoor Fixture

A close-up of a water valve system attached to the side of a house, with a blurred outdoor scene in the background.

Here’s a bit of fix-it trivia for you: the exterior faucet to which you connect lawn hoses is called a hose bib. You can toss out this technical term to impress friends and neighbors, right? Whatever you call it, keep these tips in mind to help things run smoothly. For cold climates, locate the interior […]

Plugged Drain? Heres a Quick Fix

Clearing the clog: Powerful drain cleaner at work!

Yuck…your tub or bathroom sink is draining slowly AGAIN. Every time you remove the trap or use a plumbing snake, you know you’ll be dealing with a major mess. And the hair in the trap is disgusting! But you’re tired of standing in water when taking a shower. Well, next time you’re at the grocery […]

Quick Turn Off the Water!

Shutting off the water supply—maintenance in progress! 🚰🔧

Oh, no! Water is running from somewhere beneath the cabinets and ruining your new kitchen floor. HELP! You can prepare for a crisis like this by knowing how to turn off the water to your home. You should locate the main water valve, know how to operate it, and tag it. Everyone in the household […]

Residential Plumbing System Terms

A plumber installs a new faucet under a sink, ensuring a secure and functional fit.

Plumbing may be defined as the practice, materials and fixtures used in the installation, maintenance and alteration of all piping, fixtures, appliances and appurtenances in connection with sanitary and storm drainage facilities, the venting system, and public and private water supply systems. Plumbing does not include the trade of drilling water wells, installing water-softening equipment, or […]