Electrical Safety

Electrical inspector in safety gear examines a circuit breaker panel while holding a tablet device, demonstrating modern safety protocols and technological integration in electrical maintenance.

By InterNACHI   Electricity is an essential part of our lives. However, it has the potential to cause great harm. Electrical systems will function almost indefinitely, if properly installed and not overloaded or physically abused. Electrical fires in our homes claim the lives of 485 Americans each year and injure 2,305 more. Some of these […]

Residential Air-Conditioning System Inspection

HVAC technician taking notes during routine maintenance check, clipboard in hand with air conditioning units in background

by Nick Gromicko, CMI® from InterNACHI A building’s central air-conditioning system must be periodically inspected and maintained in order to function properly. While an annual inspection performed by a trained professional is recommended, homeowners can do a lot of the work themselves by following the tips offered in this guide. Clean the Exterior Condenser Unit and […]

Building Orientation for Optimum Energy

The Painted Ladies of San Francisco - a row of colorful Victorian houses with their distinctive architecture and ornate details, framed by green shrubbery against a blue sky.

by Nick Gromicko, CMI® and Ben Gromicko from InterNACHI Building orientation is the practice of facing a building so as to maximize certain aspects of its surroundings, such as street appeal, to capture a scenic view, for drainage considerations, etc. With rising energy costs, it’s becoming increasingly important for builders to orient buildings to capitalize on the […]

Polarity? What’s That?

Plugging in: A hand connects a black power cord to a white electrical outlet mounted on the wall.

Polarity? What’s That? You just had your new home inspected, and the inspector found “reversed polarity” at several electrical outlets some amateur had added. You know you need to fix this, but what is that reversed polarity stuff? Electricity flows through wires like water through a hose. Pressure pushes water through a hose; energy pushes […]

What’s Your Outlet IQ?

Electrical outlet installation in progress, with hands carefully connecting wires to a duplex receptacle mounted in a blue junction box

What’s Your Electrical Outlet IQ? Remember that home inspection you arranged before purchasing your home? The inspector tested electrical outlets and talked about correcting problems. You purchased the home but not have gotten around to correcting the outlet problems. You can perform some basic testing with a simple outlet tester as pictured here. Most have […]

Can Lights? Make Them Green

Modern kitchen workspace illuminated by warm LED strip lighting, featuring a wooden countertop, water filter, sink, and under-cabinet power outlets against exposed brick walls.

Can Lights – Make Them Green & Energy Efficient Can lights or recessed ceiling lights are a standard design feature in modern residential construction. They are also common in older custom-built homes. They provide a unique lighting pattern without the glare of a fixture, but they may also waste energy. You have several options when […]

Power Out? How To Free Your Car from the Garage

A charming coastal-style home with a beautifully paved driveway, tropical landscaping, and inviting outdoor seating.

An automatic garage door operator is great. But when the power goes out, and the overhead door is down, your car is trapped inside. How do you get it out? Take a look at the garage door operator on the ceiling. It connects to the top of the garage door via a metal bar. On […]

Tricks for Replacing a Broken Light Bulb

Switching from traditional to energy-efficient LED bulbs - a bright change for a greener home

Light bulbs in exterior fixtures and damp locations like bathrooms are notorious for sticking in the socket. Turning the dead bulb to replace it, you hear the crunch of breaking glass – yuck! A new and messy fix-it job. To prevent a bulb from sticking in the first place, lubricate its round metal threads with […]

What’s Your Home’s Largest Energy-Waster?

Folding attic ladder extending from a ceiling hatch, combining sleek black metal hardware with natural wooden steps

We all work hard at tightening up our homes to save energy and money. In fact, most energy improvements are good for the environment and also make our homes more comfortable. One of the biggest energy-wasters is the trap door to the attic. In many cases there is no weatherstripping or insulation around it. Warm […]

Use the Right Plug…or Else

Hand holding a black electrical power plug against white background

Electrical plugs and outlets are designed to keep you safe from electrical shock and to protect the device you’re using. Take advantage of this by making sure you match the plug with the correct electrical outlet. Once upon a time, you could insert a two-prong plug the wrong way into a wall outlet, resulting in […]