NextDay Inspect Blog

Are you a current or new home owner? NextDay Inspect® provides tips for you that can save you some time, money and energy. These tips range from selling your home to fixing the knocking and thumping sounds in your walls and basement.

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When it comes to signs of water damage, there are so many that it can be easy to overlook. That’s why it’s important to take the time to identify potential issues once they arise. After all, a property that is plagued by water damage will be unable to sustain itself in the long run. If… Read More »

Mold creeps in: The silent invader turning a once-pristine ceiling into a worrying health hazard.

The colder it gets outside, the more likely you are to start feeling cabin fever. And while indoor heat is convenient and makes us feel safe from the elements, it also keeps us from taking advantage of them.Keeping your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter can be challenging, especially if you… Read More »How To Winterize Your House: 5 Simple Ways to Prepare for the Cold

Time to Winterize Your Home for Cozy Comfort!
Time to Winterize Your Home for Cozy Comfort!

Home buying can be an exciting process, but it also comes with a lot of worries and fears. That being said, if you’re reading this article, then you probably know that there’s no reason to worry. You know that your home is in good hands because you’ve taken the time to find a reliable home… Read More »5 Things Your Home Inspector Will Be Looking For

Scrutinizing the Details: Home Inspector Examines Miniature House Model
Scrutinizing the Details: Home Inspector Examines Miniature House Model

Schedule Your Home Inspection Today!

Every home has a foundation, and in most cases, it’s the most exposed part of the property. Because of that, it’s imperative to inspect your foundation every six months (or as needed) in order to keep it in good condition. With regular inspection comes a whole host of benefits for the home and its occupants. Read More

Foundation Walls Taking Shape: New Construction Site Emerges from Bare Earth
Foundation Walls Taking Shape: New Construction Site Emerges from Bare Earth

Before you put down a deposit on that dream home, you’ll want to know it’s going to be everything you expected. And if the house isn’t up to snuff, you might need to get out of that contract ASAP. That’s where a home inspection comes in handy… Read More

Home Inspector at Work: Evaluating Exterior Details
Home Inspector at Work: Evaluating Exterior Details

In home maintenance, we’re often so focused on keeping our lawn green and taking care of the exterior that we forget about all the little things that keep our houses running smoothly year-round. Smelly carpets? Check. Damp walls? Double check. But wait, there’s more! Read More

Get cozy: Prepare your home for winter's chill! ❄️🏠
Get cozy: Prepare your home for winter's chill! ❄️🏠