NextDay Inspect Blog
Welcome to the NextDay Inspect blog, your go-to resource for insightful tips, industry updates, and expert advice on all things home and property inspections!
Whether you’re a homeowner, buyer, seller, or real estate professional, we’re here to provide valuable information to help you make informed decisions. From maintenance tips to inspection checklists and the latest trends in the industry, our blog is designed to educate, empower, and simplify the inspection process for you. Explore our articles and let us guide you every step of the way!
Blog Posts
Finding Studs Using Construction Clues
If you think “finding studs” is something gals do in a singles bar, you’ve come to the wrong column. We’re talking wall framing studs. Every once in a while, you need to locate studs in a wall, like when you want to hang something heavy or cut into a wall...
Save Money with a Filter Change
Maintaining the filter on your air conditioning and heating equipment isn’t fun or glamorous. So why bother? Because a clean filter allows for proper air flow, and that makes the equipment run efficiently, saving you money. Also, a clean filter helps your system perform better, so your home environment will...
Do You Have One Cold Room?
Does your home have one room that’s always cold? Is there very little air flow from the heating grill, even when it is fully open? The culprit may be a heating supply duct that’s been closed. In the basement, find the main warm-air supply duct, which originates directly above the...
Plugged Drain? Heres a Quick Fix
Yuckyour tub or bathroom sink is draining slowly AGAIN. Every time you remove the trap or use a plumbing snake, you know you’ll be dealing with a major mess. And the hair in the trap is disgusting! But you’re tired of standing in water when taking a shower. Well, next...
Quick Turn Off the Water!
Oh, no! Water is running from somewhere beneath the cabinets and ruining your new kitchen floor. HELP! You can prepare for a crisis like this by knowing how to turn off the water to your home. You should locate the main water valve, know how to operate it, and tag...
Sticking Closet Door
We have all experienced those sliding closet doors that stick and rub. Did you know there is a simple fix? All sliding closet doors hang from a horizontal metal rail. Rollers fastened to the top of the door fit into a J-shaped track above. By adjusting the roller bracket, you can...
Residential Plumbing System Terms
Plumbing may be defined as the practice, materials and fixtures used in the installation, maintenance and alteration of all piping, fixtures, appliances and appurtenances in connection with sanitary and storm drainage facilities, the venting system, and public and private water supply systems. Plumbing does not include the trade of drilling water...
Electricity 101: Understanding the Service Panel
Many homeowners who are unfamiliar with construction and wiring are timid when it comes to electrical work. It makes perfect sense to have a healthy respect for electricity—it can be dangerous if you don’t understand it. To give you confidence and a little knowledge to help you discuss electrical problems...
Radon Testing in Residential Homes
Home Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radon and Radon Mitigation Systems in Residential Homes The EPA recommends: If you are buying a home or selling your home, have it tested for radon. For a new home, ask if radon-resistant construction features were used and if the home has been tested. Fix the...
Maintenance Checks for Your HVAC System
Have you ever woken up in the middle of a winter night, shivering under the blankets and able to see your breath? Or have you ever watched the thermostat creep into the upper 80s during a record-setting heat wave, realizing you haven’t heard the air conditioner kick on? If so...
Five Effective Fixes for Faulty Windows
There’s a common misconception that if your home has older windows that are in less-than-perfect condition, you must replace them with new windows. But as long as the window is structurally sound, you can fix most problems and extend the window’s service life by many years. Of course, there are...
Central Air-Conditioning System Inspection
A building’s central air-conditioning system must be periodically inspected and maintained in order to function properly. While an annual inspection performed by a trained professional is recommended, homeowners can do a lot of the work themselves by following the tips offered in this guide. Clean the Exterior Condenser Unit and...