NextDay Inspect Blog
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Whether you’re a homeowner, buyer, seller, or real estate professional, we’re here to provide valuable information to help you make informed decisions. From maintenance tips to inspection checklists and the latest trends in the industry, our blog is designed to educate, empower, and simplify the inspection process for you. Explore our articles and let us guide you every step of the way!
Blog Posts
Plumbing Vent? What Plumbing Vent?
All modern plumbing systems in residential construction have a plumbing vent. It doesn’t just vent unwanted odors from the drainage system to the outside; it serves an essential purpose by supplying air to the system. The plumbing drainage system in your home is called a drainage, waste, and vent (DWV)...
Paint That Metal Railing
You love the metal wrought-iron railing at the front of your home. It adds character and appeal to the entrance. What you don’t love is the rust on the rail and the brown rust stains on the concrete. Don’t fret. There’s a simple fix. Go to the hardware store and...
Fix That Sticking Bifold Door
How to Fix That Sticking Bifold Door Those lousy folding doors on the closet. You can’t get them open, you can’t get them closed. A bifold door is one that is hinged in the middle and folds to open and close. In most cases, a simple adjustment will correct a...
A Quick “Bucket” Fix to Flush the Toilet
A Quick Bucket Fix to Flush the Toilet You’ve turned off the water to the toilet because the tank or a plumbing fitting is leaking. But since this is your only toilet, it needs to be used before the plumber arrives tomorrow to fix the leak. How can you flush...
Power Out? How To Free Your Car from the Garage
An automatic garage door operator is great. But when the power goes out, and the overhead door is down, your car is trapped inside. How do you get it out? Take a look at the garage door operator on the ceiling. It connects to the top of the garage door...
Clean Those Ugly Rust Stains on the Driveway
Your beautiful new cement driveway – what an investment, and what a welcoming element to the front of your home. Too bad it has rust stains from the clunker car your son is drivingor that old planter or rusty water or the old trailer that was parked there for just...
Take a Close Look at Your Chimney
Brick and stone chimneys are certainly attractive and add value to your home, but they aren’t maintenance-free. You need to visually check your chimney and also have a professional check it from time to time. Water, weather, and freezing conditions eventually take a toll, even on stone and brick. From...
Gather Free Water with a Rain Barrel
Yes, you can be green, save money on your utility bills, and still water your plants and garden. Consider a rain barrel to catch water from the roof for use around your yard. This also helps solve problems with excessive water runoff that overloads rivers and streams. Start by doing...
Why Should You Seal Exterior Concrete?
In most climates, you don’t ever need to seal exterior concrete drives and walks. But there are advantages to using a good sealer, and in the long run, you can save money and keep the concrete looking like new. In northern climates, snow-melting chemicals and freeze-and-thaw cycles can damage the...
Tricks for Replacing a Broken Light Bulb
Light bulbs in exterior fixtures and damp locations like bathrooms are notorious for sticking in the socket. Turning the dead bulb to replace it, you hear the crunch of breaking glass – yuck! A new and messy fix-it job. To prevent a bulb from sticking in the first place, lubricate...
No Heat? Try This Before Calling for Service
As autumn settles in, there’s no heat in your house, and it’s getting cold. The furnace worked fine in the spring. Why is it stubborn now when you need it? You don’t want to spend money on a service call if you don’t have to, so check these things first...
What’s Your Home’s Largest Energy-Waster?
We all work hard at tightening up our homes to save energy and money. In fact, most energy improvements are good for the environment and also make our homes more comfortable. One of the biggest energy-wasters is the trap door to the attic. In many cases there is no weatherstripping...