My Concrete Has Cracked
You know the old saying: two things in life are certain – death and taxes. Well, I can add a third certainty to the mix: all poured concrete will crack. Concrete shrinks about 5/8 inch in 100 feet of length. And that’s assuming the concrete is formulated correctly, placed, and cured under the right temperature […]
Why Use Primer When Painting?
Why Use Primer When Painting Your Home If you are painting, priming the wall would be a good idea. Primer helps your paint adhere to the wall and produces a good finish on your wall. Without primer, the paint can be absorbed unevenly, especially if the wall is porous. Priming is also important if you […]
Is It Plumb, Level, or Square?
Is it Plumb, Level, or Square? We like to check to see if things are on the level – or should we say “plumb”? Is a wall plumb or level? Is the floor level? Is the door frame plumb or square? Confusing, isn’t it? Here’s a quick guide to those terms. “Plumb” […]
Get Smart About Exterior Electrical Safety
You have heard about how dangerous high-voltage electrical wires can be: never touch a downed wire…storms can damage wires and so on. But what about the wires feeding your home? They can be dangerous too. For residential electrical feeds, the wiring is generally 240 volt without overload protection – which means no circuit breaker will […]
Should You Insulate Your Attic?
Homeowners are always looking for ways to save energy while making our homes more comfortable. One of the easiest ways of doing this is to improve insulation in the attic. The attic is relatively easy to access. Often, it’s also the source of major energy losses, because warm air rises. To find out how much […]
Why Is the Toilet Flushing Itself?
OK, so you just heard the toilet flush in the middle of the night. No one else is in the house, and you don’t think your home has a ghost. Later that night, you hear it again. Ughhh. How will you explain this to the plumber? Don’t worry. What you’re probably hearing is the toilet […]
A Better Way to Hang a Heavy Mirror
I have done this, and I bet you have too: You work hard to hang a heavy picture or mirror on the wall using several heavy-duty picture hooks. The picture is tough to align in just the right position because of its size and weight, complicated by the hanging wire and multiple hooks. Then, during […]
How To fix A Squeaky Door Hinge
While a squeeky door may have a few advantages – you can tell when the kids come and go – in general, a squeaky door is an annoyance. And if you ignore a squeaky door too long, friction can wear the hinge pin excessively and make the door hard to operate. The fix is simple. […]
Protect Your Family from Scalding Hot Water
At one time or another, we all have turned on a hot water faucet and been caught unaware by steaming hot water. You may have been lucky to pull your hand out of the flow just in time to prevent a burn. This situation creates a real danger for small children who can’t react in […]
5-in-1 Tool Makes Painting Easier
While painting is a bit of a chore, the right tools can help you get the job done easier and faster. Lots of small tools exist for paint preparation, but who wants to carry around a bunch of tools? Try a 5-in-1 or a 10-in-1 painter’s tool. Many manufacturers make them. They offer slight variations […]