Flood from the Washer Hose!
Flood From the Washer Hose What is the number one source of water damage inside a home? It’s not tornadoes, rainstorms or hurricanes. It’s a broken washing machine hoses. Left undetected, a broken washer supply hose can quickly flood a home. Check your washer’s hoses periodically. If there are any signs of bulging or leakage, […]
Your Nose Knows It’s Time to Clean the Disposal
Eeuuww – what’s that smell in the kitchen? Yuck, it’s from the sink. It smells like sewage or rotten food. The sink looks clean, and you try flushing lots of water down the drain. You run the garbage disposal, and it works fine. The smell persists. What should you do? The smell could be caused […]
Polarity? What’s That?

Polarity? What’s That? You just had your new home inspected, and the inspector found “reversed polarity” at several electrical outlets some amateur had added. You know you need to fix this, but what is that reversed polarity stuff? Electricity flows through wires like water through a hose. Pressure pushes water through a hose; energy pushes […]
Soot on the Walls

Soot On The Walls What’s with those ghostly gray stains on the outside corners of the ceiling and walls? The stains outline the stud framing, and they even seem darker where there are nails in the drywall. Most ghostly outlines like this are caused by soot in the air. Soot collects at framing, under doors, […]
What’s Your Outlet IQ?

What’s Your Electrical Outlet IQ? Remember that home inspection you arranged before purchasing your home? The inspector tested electrical outlets and talked about correcting problems. You purchased the home but not have gotten around to correcting the outlet problems. You can perform some basic testing with a simple outlet tester as pictured here. Most have […]
Can Lights? Make Them Green

Can Lights – Make Them Green & Energy Efficient Can lights or recessed ceiling lights are a standard design feature in modern residential construction. They are also common in older custom-built homes. They provide a unique lighting pattern without the glare of a fixture, but they may also waste energy. You have several options when […]
Tune Your Refrigerator for High Performance

Tune Your Refrigerator for High Performance The refrigerator is among the most neglected of household appliances because usually, it runs forever with little repair. However, it often consumes the most electricity in your home’s appliances. You can improve the performance and extend the life of your refrigerator with simple maintenance. The condenser coil of a […]
A Ton of Cooling

A Ton of Cooling – Indoor Air Conditioning Ever hear of a two- or three-ton central air conditioner? Does that mean a two-ton air conditioner weighs 4,000 pounds? Is the term related to cooling capacity, or is it a random term that tech folks use to impress us? When engineer Joe Cool (at least I […]
Fix That Wobbling Ceiling Fan

Fix That Wobbling Ceiling Fan Wobbling ceiling fans are not safe to use. If a ceiling fan in your home shows excessive wobble, stop using it until you can get it fixed. Fans are dangerous if not installed and operated correctly. Many fans wobble because they have loose parts or need to be balanced. Find […]
Squeak, Squeak in the Hardwood Floor

Flooring of all types has the potential for squeaks. Floor framing dries and shrinks, and squeaks occur as fasteners become loose, allowing movement in the subfloor and framing. Hardwood floors are known for this quality as they dry during the winter. Hardwood squeaks have actually been a common problem for five decades — the solution, […]