Log Home Basics

Log Home Basics Log homes may be site-built or pre-cut in a factory for delivery to the site. Some log home manufacturers can also customize their designs. Before designing or purchasing a manufactured log  home, you need to consider the following factors for energy efficiency. The R-Value of Wood In a log home, the wood helps […]

Lightning: Facts and Dangers

Facts About Lightning Lightning is the “visible discharge of static electricity within a cloud, between clouds or between the earth and a cloud,” as defined by Underwriters Laboratories. Lightning is unpredictable and a serious threat to buildings and their occupants virtually everywhere. Benjamin Franklin invented the first lightning rod in 1752 –- a kite outfitted with […]

Constructed Wetlands: The Economic Benefits of Runoff Controls

Construction or engineering professionals assess a fast-moving waterway, wearing safety gear as they review plans beside turbulent waters at what appears to be a hydroelectric facility.

By InterNACHI People have a strong emotional attachment to water, arising from its aesthetic qualities — tranquility, coolness and beauty. As a result, most water bodies within developments can be used as marketing tools to set the tone for entire projects. A recent study conducted by the National Association of Home Builders indicates that “whether […]

ADT Home Security

Smart home technology network connecting devices for enhanced security, convenience, and automation.

Home Security by ADT NextDay Inspect® would like to introduce an exclusive offer for our clients that utilize our inspection services. Home security by ADT will help protect your investment and your family. You could also save on homeowner’s insurance. Benefits of Using ADT for your home security Remotely Arm & Disarm Lighting & Climate […]

An Easy Fix for Rust Stains on Clothing

A crisp white dress shirt marred by scattered rust-colored stains, suggesting an unfortunate encounter with coffee or food spills.

Every once in a while, the washer creates a rust stain on clothes. Maybe rust was in the water, or there’s a little rust in the washer drum, or perhaps you left a rusty part in a pants pocket. Now the rust appears as a dark red spot on your pants or that new white […]

A Ton of Cooling

Cool air streams elegantly from a wall-mounted air conditioner, creating visible currents that dance with the light sheer curtains in a minimalist white room.

A Ton of Cooling – Indoor Air Conditioning Ever hear of a two- or three-ton central air conditioner? Does that mean a two-ton air conditioner weighs 4,000 pounds? Is the term related to cooling capacity, or is it a random term that tech folks use to impress us? When engineer Joe Cool (at least I […]

Gather Free Water with a Rain Barrel

Rainwater collecting in a black tub amidst garden greenery.

Yes, you can be green, save money on your utility bills, and still water your plants and garden. Consider a rain barrel to catch water from the roof for use around your yard. This also helps solve problems with excessive water runoff that overloads rivers and streams. Start by doing a little online research. Your […]

The Crafty Way to Outwit Window Drafts

Sealing out the cold—weatherproofing in progress!

On many cold, sunny days it would be great to air out your home without feeling a nasty cold draft from an open window. It may be essential to air out the house when you have just fried some bacon, and the kitchen exhaust fan can’t remove the odor. But if you open the window, […]

Why Use Primer When Painting?

Painting the walls to refresh the space with a new coat of color.

Why Use Primer When Painting Your Home If you are painting, priming the wall would be a good idea. Primer helps your paint adhere to the wall and produces a good finish on your wall. Without primer, the paint can be absorbed unevenly, especially if the wall is porous. Priming is also important if you […]

5-in-1 Tool Makes Painting Easier

Hand painting a wall gray.

While painting is a bit of a chore, the right tools can help you get the job done easier and faster. Lots of small tools exist for paint preparation, but who wants to carry around a bunch of tools? Try a 5-in-1 or a 10-in-1 painter’s tool. Many manufacturers make them. They offer slight variations […]