When Should You Test for Mold in Your Home?


When Should You Test for Mold in Your Home? When it comes to signs of water damage, there are so many that it can be easy to overlook. That’s why it’s important to take the time to identify potential issues once they arise. After all, a property that is plagued by water damage will be […]

How do You Know You Have Mold in Your House?

The impact of mold has become a top concern for home owners across the country. While it is hard to know which spores you are exposed to, and how much it could really affect your health. Abundant research on both isolated cases and studies in large populations have revealed strong links between exposure to certain […]

Tips from the Experts: Improving Indoor Air Quality at Home

We at NextDay Inspect® have partnered with Porch to get you answers to common air quality questions from experts around our community. Read further for practical tips and information you can use to best decide your air quality needs! What are the most common signs of bad indoor air quality? The most common sign of […]

Lead Facts

Did you know the following facts about lead?  FACT: Lead exposure can harm young children and babies even before they are born. FACT: Even children who seem healthy can have high levels of lead in their bodies. FACT: You can get lead in your body by breathing or swallowing lead dust, or by eating soil or […]

Air Quality in the Home

Indoor air quality is generally worse than most people believe, but there are things you can do about it. Some Quick Facts: Indoor air quality can be worse than that of outdoor air. Problems can arise from moisture, insects, pets, appliances, radon, materials used in household products and furnishings, smoke, and other sources. Effects range from […]

Household and Environmental Hazards

This list of terms covers most of the common household dangers likely to be encountered by InterNACHI inspectors. algae: microorganisms that may grow to colonies in damp environments, including certain rooftops. They can discolor shingles; often described as fungus. alligatoring:  a condition of paint or aged asphalt brought about by the loss of volatile oils, and the oxidation caused […]

EMFs in the Home

Electromagnetic Fields by InterNACHI Can the electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) to which people are routinely exposed cause health effects? What are sources of EMFs, and when are they dangerous?  An “electromagnetic field” is a broad term which includes electric fields generated by charged particles in motion, and radiated fields, such as TVs, radios, hair dryers […]

Asbestos: Facts and Tips for Home Inspectors and Homeowners

From InterNACHI What Is Asbestos?Asbestos is a mineral fiber that can be positively identified only with a special type of microscope. There are several types of asbestos fibers. In the past, asbestos was added to a variety of products to strengthen them and to provide heat insulation and fire resistance. InterNACHI inspectors can supplement their […]

Radon Testing in Residential Homes

Home Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radon and Radon Mitigation Systems in Residential Homes The EPA recommends: If you are buying a home or selling your home, have it tested for radon. For a new home, ask if radon-resistant construction features were used and if the home has been tested. Fix the home if the radon level […]