What Does The Crack In Your House Mean?
What harm could a thin crack possibly do to my home? This is the common attitude of homeowners when they spot cracks running across the walls, roof, or ceiling of their home. What they don’t realize is that a crack could be the first symptom of a major issue. Now, you might start wondering ‘what […]
Is Your Home Safe with Radon?
On January 13, 2005 the Surgeon General of the United States issued a Health Advisory warning Americans about the health risk from exposure to radon in indoor air. The Nation’s Chief Physician urged Americans to test their homes to find out how much radon they might be breathing. He also stressed the need to remedy […]
Five Most Concerning Window Problems
Window Problems: We all know what a pain a faulty windowcan be. They can be leaky, drafty or squeaky, they’ll close when we need them to stay open, and open when we want to close them. If you are facing these issues with your windows, this list is just for you. Oh, and having your windows fixed before winter is a good way to keep your heating budget in check for this winter.