Fixing a Drip at the Bathroom Fan
So you run the bath exhaust fan to remove moisture – but then you get that drip, drip, drip from the fan on your nice clean rug. Bath exhaust fans should not drip. If yours does, there’s something wrong with it. First, check the exhaust ducting or tubing; it should be insulated, straight, and vented […]
Caulking the Wide Open Spaces
So you filled that wide gap in the exterior trim with the best caulk you could buy, and the next year it had pulled away from one surface, leaving a large gap. Or you tried to fill a wider gap, and the caulk just fell in the hole. What went wrong? No backer rod. Before […]
Should You Insulate Your Attic?
Homeowners are always looking for ways to save energy while making our homes more comfortable. One of the easiest ways of doing this is to improve insulation in the attic. The attic is relatively easy to access. Often, it’s also the source of major energy losses, because warm air rises. To find out how much […]
A Better Way to Hang a Heavy Mirror
I have done this, and I bet you have too: You work hard to hang a heavy picture or mirror on the wall using several heavy-duty picture hooks. The picture is tough to align in just the right position because of its size and weight, complicated by the hanging wire and multiple hooks. Then, during […]
How To fix A Squeaky Door Hinge
While a squeeky door may have a few advantages – you can tell when the kids come and go – in general, a squeaky door is an annoyance. And if you ignore a squeaky door too long, friction can wear the hinge pin excessively and make the door hard to operate. The fix is simple. […]
Do You Have One Cold Room?
Does your home have one room that’s always cold? Is there very little air flow from the heating grill, even when it is fully open? The culprit may be a heating supply duct that’s been closed. In the basement, find the main warm-air supply duct, which originates directly above the furnace. Often this is a […]
Sticking Closet Door
We have all experienced those sliding closet doors that stick and rub. Did you know there is a simple fix? All sliding closet doors hang from a horizontal metal rail. Rollers fastened to the top of the door fit into a J-shaped track above. By adjusting the roller bracket, you can raise or lower the door. […]
Five Effective Fixes for Faulty Windows
There’s a common misconception that if your home has older windows that are in less-than-perfect condition, you must replace them with new windows. But as long as the window is structurally sound, you can fix most problems and extend the window’s service life by many years. Of course, there are instances when a window is […]
Central Air-Conditioning System Inspection
A building’s central air-conditioning system must be periodically inspected and maintained in order to function properly. While an annual inspection performed by a trained professional is recommended, homeowners can do a lot of the work themselves by following the tips offered in this guide. Clean the Exterior Condenser Unit and Components The exterior condenser unit […]
Fireplace Maintenance and Safety
Is your fireplace safe? A fireplace is a comfortable place for the family to gather around during a cold winter. Statistics show that fireplaces and chimneys cause over 23,000 serious domestic fires every year in the United States, resulting in over $110 Millions in property damages and tens of fatalities. These statistics show the importance of the […]